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Quick Vegan Oatmeal with Berries

29 Mar 2020

This super easy and quick vegan oatmeal has been my go-to breakfast lately. I’m trying to get lots of oats and other foods to help keep up my milk supply. Who knows if that actually works, but this is delicious and healthy and gives me lots of energy to start the day. I like to use old fashioned rolled oats (Nature’s Path Organic or Bob’s Red Mill Organic). We’ve been trying to limit our need to go anywhere so we get two weeks worth of groceries when we shop, frozen fruit is great because it won’t go bad. Hope you enjoy this recipe and if you make it and love it make sure to tag me so I can see!

Ingredients (this is for one person you can always double, triple to make more):


Combine milk, oats and brown sugar in a small pot and cook on medium for approximately 5 minutes. It should be on a low simmer. Once done cooking put in a bowl and top with frozen berries, scoop of almond butter, chia seeds, crunchy granola and almond cow pulp (optional). Other topping ideas: dried fruit, maple syrup, chopped nuts, hemp hearts.

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