This morning we woke up to sunshine and birds chirping, dare we say, it sounded like spring! Hooray for more daylight, make sure to change your clocks this weekend. Hope all of you get some R&R.
Jess (J) & Caylin (C)
If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…
Great news you guys. Dumpster fire was added to the dictionary.
What the online dating profiles of famous male literary characters would say.
You’ll want to make this breakfast dish this weekend. And all the ingredients are from Trader Joes!
Late to the party here, but watch Queer Eye on Netflix. And make sure you have a box of tissues next to you. (C)
These lists of kick-ass women are just a small sampling of who’s who in a variety of fields.
I’m convinced (knock on wood) taking oregano oil capsules three times a day kept us healthy during our recent trip. I bought these on Amazon. (J)
For our New England readers (and basically anyone who loves lobster) this recipe for Lobster Shepard’s Pie looks ah-mazing.
Growing up I loved reading A Wrinkle in Time, I’m not sure I’ll see the movie but I loved reading this piece about its influence. (C)
Apparently, the message for International Women’s Day is f*%# off. NSFW video evidence here.
Just in case you’re always on the hunt for more ideas on how to prepare veggies.
For everyone out there wondering what the hell do I put on my face and when—Grace has you covered.
Oh my — I swear my oregano oil, particularly for fighting off sore throats and colds. Whenever I feel the slightest inkling of an illness coming on, I always rush to take it, and it hasn’t failed me in fifteen years!
Particularly for warding off colds and sore throats, I swear by oregano oil. I usually take it as soon as I sense the first signs of a sickness, and it hasn’t stopped working for me in fifteen years!