Click. Read. Love. 12.11.20
Happy Friday, how is everyone? We had a bit of a scare with Nora this week and still don’t really know what it was but the likely culprit was a piece of one of Marin’s toys. She’s been ok for the last few days so really hoping it resolved itself. Craig’s birthday is on Monday but I don’t have anything planned because Covid. I did get him some good gifts so at least there’s that. Maybe he’ll take a day off from the 99 different projects he has going, doubtful haha. Our bathroom is coming along and we are just waiting on the faucets at this point. I can’t wait to share it because it’s maybe one of my favorite makeovers ever. Wishing you all a warm and cozy weekend, we have single digits in the forecast next week, yikes.
If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…
Jess (J) & Caylin (C)
Click. Read. Love. 12.11.20
Rachel Cargle recommended this piece from Teen Vogue on military recruitment.
It’s been a loooong year, these tension and trauma release exercises might make it easier to shake off 2020.
Add a side salad to this onion tart and you’ve got a delicious Sunday night dinner.
If you’ve been thinking about trying Equilibria it’s a great time to save before Christmas. EQ’s entire site is 15% off – including holiday gift sets and new customers can stack my code jessannkirby for an additional 15% off. My favorite is the mint oil and relief cream. The gel capsules are a big hit with people I’ve recommended the brand to (FYI the gel caps are not vegan). (J)
Viola Davis is always amazing, but this Q&A was especially wonderful.
I bought this rug for our living room and I am so impressed with the quality for the price. I ended up getting it in a runner size too. It’s pretty soft underfoot and the backing keeps it from sliding around. (J)
Speaking of 2020, it has definitely had a major impact on how women are drinking these days.
“Acting as if Trump is trying to stage a coup is the best way to ensure he won’t.”
If you’re living alone during the holidays…
I have been slathering this Follain mask all over my face at night and it’s saving my skin. (J)
More than 850,000 women dropped out of the workforce in September.
“I don’t know anyone that isn’t struggling right now.” On the parental burnout crisis during Covid.
On the mindf*ck that is posting to Instagram this year.
The whiteness of publishing. The New York Times looked at a sample of 7,000 books in 2018, 89% were written by white authors.
Here’s the new Norweigan concept that might be taking the place of Hygge.
I was desperately looking for mittens for Marin (harder to find than it should be) and I found this set at Old Navy. The hat is awesome because she can’t pull it off her head and the mittens are easy to put on and they stay on!
Carbonara is such a cinch to make but feels like a restaurant level meal, this recipe gives you all the best pointers.
Why do so many climbing routes have racist and sexist names?
I loved this bathroom makeover DIY from Shavonda especially because it’s something anyone can do.
I have been searching for a desk to go in our bedroom in Vermont for MONTHS. And I finally found the perfect one. I had no idea finding a desk would be such an ordeal.
A must read, the op-ed Hitha shared in her #5SmartReads about Brandon Bernard, a man on death row who was executed last night.
Your skin on stress, it’s not pretty. The good news? Crying helps.
Disclosure: if you buy something through the links on this blog, we may earn an affiliate commission. We only feature products we would personally recommend. Thank you for your support.
That Brandon Bernard op-ed was heartbreaking. And that Kyle Rittenhouse is sitting safely at home, having committed the same crime at the same age, is so fucked up.
Thank you for never shying away from the hard-to-read articles in this series. It contains the multitudes we need.
Thank YOU Hitha. Absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating looking at the two cases and the outcomes.
An onion tart sounds yum! Thank you for the links!
Love your ideas for rug and desk for your bedroom. Can’t wait to see what your bathroom looks like when it is finished. COVID has been around way too long. We are all trying to survive. For people who live alone and are lonely I recommend finding a friend that agrees with your viewpoint and hang out from time to time. It is healthy to be around others. My best fix is to FaceTime with our grandson and daughter, it is so healing on so many levels. Take care of yourselves. Hugs.